Wallpapers of the Month- Blur 2

As summer rolls around, I am going to have to work a lot more for college and other things. This means that wallpapers of the week is going to become wallpapers of the month. So here are a few wallpapers that look really great on any phone, and matches the footprint of iOS 7 perfectly. CLICK HERE FOR WALLPAPERS.


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Beats by Dre- Or Beats by Apple

A report by the Financial Times stunned the world of technology. The report stated that Apple had allegedly purchased Beats Electronics for $3.2 billion. Apple has not commented on this, nor confirmed this deal, although we may have some proof that this deal came through.

Co-Founder of Beats, Dr.Dre, posted a video on instagram boasting the fact that the deal had made him the first billionaire in hip hop. At that point, we knew that the deal had actually gone through. Other reports have stated that people who have emailed the company got a reply back saying that “the company was going through corporate changes.” What interests me the most is the fact that Apple does not really buy such large companies. The Cupertino company always picks up these smaller companies for certain purposes, but never a company that gets $! billion in revenue every year. I am going to split this top up into three parts, the past, and the future.

The Past- 



Jimmy Iovine and Steve Jobs had always been buddies. It is not hard to see why either. Despite the fact that they kind of look like each other, their personality and ideas align as well. They were both visionaries, Jimmy Iovine predicted a lot of what the music industry looks like today, years ago. It is not hard to see that design was a big deal over at Beats. They learned how to make a fashionable accessory and also merge great engineering into their products. Beats had been doing about $1 billion in revenue, and they recently released a new app called Beats Music. This app was another application among the many other music streaming applications. Beats music was very well designed, and brought some unique features. The problem was not really the app, it was when the app entered the stores. When Beats Music was released, Pandora and Spotify were already the kings of streaming music, it was extremely tough for them to compete. Beats Music has about 200,000 subscribers, which is nothing compared to Pandoras users. Apple on the other hand had just introduced iTunes radio in iOS 7, yet another streaming service that could not really compete against the bigger streaming companies. Beats Music and iTunes radio both lacked subscribers, which was a huge deal. I guess the point of this section was to show you that Apple and Beats are very similar in many ways. These companies have always had a great relationship, in fact, Apple loves to keep Beats Headphones shelved right next to their iPhones in the Apple store. Late co-founder Steve Jobs also owned a pair of Dr.Dre headphones if that says anything.



There area lot of ways Apple can handle this deal. They can let Beats run operations as they usually do and put them on the side, or they can completely merge the company with Apple and start creating products together. There is a lot to think about here. Many people say that this deal may have just been for the visionary Jimmy Iovine and the man with all the connections, Dr.Dre. Other reports have said that this deal may have just been for the streaming service that Beats just released  called Beats music. It is hard for me to think that they would buy the company just for the application, I mean, what are they going to do with those headphones. To me, this deal means that Apple can improve upon the Beats design, and also get help from Iovine and Dr.Dre to ice some sweet deals with records.

Regardless of how they handle the situation, there are rumors that Iovine and Dre will be introduced at WWDC, which is an event held by Apple for developers. They usually announce big things during this event. I am extremely happy that they purchased this company, because if anything it gives Apple that cool factor again. I mean, Beats are more of a fashion accessory nowadays, and they are being advertised and publicized by celebrities all over the place. Apple used to be the coolest guy on the block, and they kind of faded, but this purchase could help them get back to the top!

….To be continued