Wallpapers of the Month- Blur 2

As summer rolls around, I am going to have to work a lot more for college and other things. This means that wallpapers of the week is going to become wallpapers of the month. So here are a few wallpapers that look really great on any phone, and matches the footprint of iOS 7 perfectly. CLICK HERE FOR WALLPAPERS.


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Calendars 5 vs Fantastical- App Duel

This is a new series where I take two applications of the same genre, and duel them together to see who wins. This week, we bring in two calendar apps that are considered a few of the best to ever land on the app store. Calendars 5 is free until the end of today so pick it up while you can because it is quite pricey. Here is the video review that I have created to give you a better idea of what to expect.










Orbis Thoughts

I have posted some of my own graphical design works on Orbis before. People seemed to like them, but I quickly realized this was not the place to be showing off my own artwork. Yes, some of the wallpaper on this sight is created by me, but wallpaper is the main focus of this site, not graphic art works. So in the end I decided to split my two ideas up. This will remain to be the greatest wallpaper sight ever! and today, I am introducing Orbis Thoughts! The website for my graphic design work.


The website is designed beautifully, and I think if you are a fan of this site, you will be a fan of Orbis Thoughts!

by NairStudios

by NairStudios

Wallpapers of the Week- Aurora Borealis

This has to be my favorite week of wallpapers. I am introducing wallpapers that show off Aurora Borealis, the beautiful light show displayed from the heavens. These wallpapers look amazing on your phone, and can almost calm you down when you look at it. The wallpaper in the gallery below will be HERE. Scroll to the bottom of the iOS 7 Wallpaper page to find these awesome new wallpapers! Enjoy some mock ups of the wallpaper I made for you!

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