Wallpapers of the Week- Aurora Borealis

This has to be my favorite week of wallpapers. I am introducing wallpapers that show off Aurora Borealis, the beautiful light show displayed from the heavens. These wallpapers look amazing on your phone, and can almost calm you down when you look at it. The wallpaper in the gallery below will be HERE. Scroll to the bottom of the iOS 7 Wallpaper page to find these awesome new wallpapers! Enjoy some mock ups of the wallpaper I made for you!

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The Donald Sterling Situation- Orbis Lifestyle Post 2

Interesting topic we are touching on today. I have been meaning write a post about this issues, but I really wanted to see how all of this was handled by the NBA; today I got to hear Adam Silver unfold what was going to happen, so now I feel like I can write this post.


Let me first recap what happened leading up to today. Donald Sterling, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers basketball team was heard saying that he did not want black people in his arena. This was not heard by some random visitor in the arena, this was a recorded phone conversation that Sterling had with his girlfriend. As this leaked, TMZ was kind enough to play it for us, and the rest is history. The story blew up on social media, and the Clippers suddenly faced an issue that could not have come at a worse time. Now tied up with the Golden State Warriors in their playoff series (2-2), the Clippers are playing their first home game since this incident. Doc Rivers, the Clippers head coach said, ” Usually home court is your safe haven, I don’t even know if that’s the case anymore.” Rivers is no scrub when it comes to coaching. He has done it for 21 years, and is considered a top five coach in the NBA currently. Doc Rivers seemed to understand how this issue could have a psychological effect on the team. Before game 3 at Golden State, the Clippers did a silent protest. They wore their practice jersey inside out, so the Clippers logo did not show. The team seemed a little bit down, and the drive to win a championship did not seem to be there. The funniest part about this is the fact that the Clippers have a mostly black team, even the head coach is black. After Sterling made those comments about black people, I almost got this feeling that he owned the clippers to own everyone under him, and the team of mostly black players. I am a minority and half black, and this is very disrespectful to me and my people.

So the question is, what exactly happened to Donald Sterling. Well before I tell you that, I want to tell you about a relationship between two people. Magic Johnson and Donald Sterling. Magic Johnson is regarded as one of the greatest players to play. He is now long retied, but he stated that Sterling was one of the first people he met after getting drafted to the Los Angeles Lakers. Johnson was also a part of all this drama because of an instagram post. Donald Sterling also told his girlfriend to take down a picture of him and Magic Johnson (for racist reasons). Johnson voiced his opinions very cleary, tweeting things out, and going on TV and telling the public that Sterling should be banned. I do not know how much of an effect this had on Adam Silver’s (NBA commissioner) final decision. Other players voiced their opinions on social media as well.


As you can see, the league is very close nit, and everyone seems to be a family. Now, I can finally tell you what happened.

Adam Silver banned David Sterling for life, he also fined Sterling 2.5 million, which is the maximum you can fine someone under the NBA constitution. This is Silver’s first test as the NBA commissioner, as he was appointed early this year. Many agree that he has made the right decision to ban Sterling. Here is a letter that the NBA commissioner wrote about today’s press conference. This should give you a better idea of what the punishments for David Sterling are.

“Dear Fans,

This afternoon I announced that, following the completion of a thorough investigation into an audio recording obtained by TMZ, I banned Donald Sterling for life from any association with the Clippers or the NBA, effective immediately. Mr. Sterling may not attend any NBA games or practices, be present at any Clippers office or facility, or participate in any business or player personnel decisions involving the team. I also fined Mr. Sterling $2.5 million, the maximum amount allowed under the NBA Constitution. These funds will be donated to charitable organizations dedicated to anti-discrimination and tolerance efforts that will be jointly selected by the NBA and its Players Association.

The views expressed by Mr. Sterling are deeply offensive and hurtful. I am extremely proud of this great league’s diverse, respectful and inclusive culture, and we will not allow one individual’s intolerant views to define us. Let me be clear: Mr. Sterling’s views have no place in the NBA.

This has been a painful episode for all members of the NBA family. I very much appreciate your understanding during this process. I also want to express my thanks and admiration to Coach Doc Rivers, Chris Paul, and the entire Clippers organization for their professionalism throughout this matter, and to Chris and Mayor Kevin Johnson for their leadership and partnership on behalf of the Players Association.

And now I am eager to turn the spotlight back where it belongs: on the game we all love and on these thrilling playoffs, which have been some of the most exciting basketball I’ve seen in my 22 years with the league. I hope you enjoy the rest of the playoffs and The Finals.


Adam Silverman had some investigators investigate the phone audio to make sure it was real before addressing the press on the situation of David Sterling. David Sterling has actually had trouble with racism before, he had actually just settled a lawsuit earlier. I think all of this helped the commissioner understand the David Sterling, and make a decision on what to do with him in the league.

I am very pleased to see Sterling go, I cannot believe that people like this still exist. I will not touch on that topic in this post, but I would like to finish off the post with a food for thought.

If David Sterling is racist, why is his girlfriend Half Black and Half Mexican?

AS ALWAYS- Here are some links to my Wallpaper (the main focus of this website)



-All images from Google -NBA Commissioner letter via http://www.NBA.com

The Return- iPad Wallpaper

I know I have been slacking with the iPad wallpaper page, so today, I am announcing five NEW wallpapers for the iPad. I have also added some new wallpaper on the iOS 7/iPhone page, but I am not going to advertise those. This is the moment for the iPad to shine. I promise to have at least 50 new iPad wallpapers by the end of the week! If you guys want me to do this, follow Orbis at @OrbisWallpaper on twitter! Here are some of the new iPad mockups of the new wallpaper for you guys.



mock4 mock 1 mock5


New Wallpapers- Rain Edition

In the spirit of the rainy season, I have added some new wallpaper in the iPhone section. Here are some of the mock ups of the rain wallpaper. I am adding a lot of new wallpaper! If you want a specific theme or type of wallpaper on the site, tweet us @OrbisWallpaper! Or, if you want to just stay updated, then follow us!


CLICK HERE FOR iOS 7 Wallaper- iPhone

Since I like these wallpapers so much, the new wallpaper will be near the TOP OF THE GALLERY (most are at the bottom though).

via Google

via Google

via Google

via Google

via Google

via Google

Orbis is getting social!

I really want you guys to be updated on the new things coming to Orbis, so I decided to give Orbis a twitter account! Follow Orbis on twitter @OrbisWallpaper – I will be tweeting tweets to promote my wallpaper, and to keep you guys updated on  when new wallpaper is being added. I would also like to do some giveaways of some of the artwork I have created, so get excited!!!


Follow Orbis on twitter here- https://twitter.com/OrbisWallpaper 



In order to celebrate the success and the success of my poem “Skyline” on prizmpoetry.wordpress.com, I have decided to add some more wallpaper this week! I will showcase the mock ups here real soon, but in the mean time, check out my poem!


The sun goes to rest, reflecting its aura on to the city

A busy day for most people but the sun always has pity

For as it set, its colors were dispersed, leaving darkness in the dirt

The city shone of orange and red, a view that could put anyone to bed

But as the sun left the city, like I said, it always had pity

The city had found new life, people were with family drinking wine

Everyone looked refreshed and happy, seems like they gave the skyline a try

You see, the skyline symbolizes life itself, choose to make a decision yourself

When the skyline shines bright at night you have a chance to make things right

When the skyline is flaming red, remember there is plenty to do before bed

When the skyline glows its morning hue, remember that the day is yours, don’t let anyone stop you

Photograph and Poem By-


If you liked this poem! then check out my other blog HERE – Now Lets check out some of the mock ups of Skyline Wallpaper. All the wallpaper showcased below will be at the bottom of the gallery located HERE

Mock by NairStudios

Mock by NairStudios

Mockup by NairStudios

Mockup by NairStudios

Mockup by NairStudios

Mockup by NairStudios

Introducing Pastel – Wallpapers

I would like to introduce some new wallpaper designed by NairStudios (founded by me). We strive to create minimal wallpaper that showcase design and matches iOS7. Here are some mock-ups of Pastel and its minimal approach to compliment your iPhone. These wallpapers will be added to the iOS 7 wallpaper gallery – CLICK HERE TO GO THERE– The newest wallpaper will be at the bottom of the gallery. Enjoy!

designed by NairStudios

designed by NairStudios

Designed by NairStudios

Designed by NairStudios

designed by NairStudios

designed by NairStudios

designed by NairStudios

designed by NairStudios

Orbis Lifestyle- Post 1

To introduce the new section of Orbis (description of new section here) I have created a new logo! This logo showcases my focus for minimal yet abstract graphic design. If you guys need logos let me know in the comment section and I will happily create you a logo for free. The Orbis Lifestyle logo was also made to help readers of this site to understand when a post is going to be wallpaper related and more blog related. The lifestyle logo will indicate that the post is going to be blog related. Like I said, I am going to keep blogs minimal, and keep the focus of this site as wallpapers. In the mean time though, lets check out this logo that I am proud of! (Red is my favorite color). Minimalism is key for graphic designers these days. If you do not keep things minimal or abstract , you may struggle to stay relevant in the industry. To celebrate the opening of Orbis Lifestyle, I also created a special Orbis LifeStyle Wallpaper! Enjoy! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ORBIS LOGO WALLPAPER THE NEWEST  LOGO WILL BE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE GALLERY!

by NairStudios

by NairStudios

designed by NairStudios

designed by NairStudios

Theme of the Week- Abstract

New Wallpapers have been added to the iPhone/iOS 7 section! This weeks theme is abstract and it bring some images that will make you think outside the box. The new wallpaper will be located at the bottom! Here is a preview of the abstract wallpaper from my site, and how it may look on your iPhone. After the preview I will have the link to point you toward the new wallpapers (located at the bottom of the iOS 7 page)! New theme next week! any ideas? let me now in the comments section of this post! Enjoy!


Mockup 2